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We are a community of boat lovers and Hydrostream enthusiasts here; we are happy to help anyone
who may need advice or guidance for their 'Stream; and we encourage members to offer their advice
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Hydrostream Ads
Here is a collection of Hydrostream ads from over the years that I have come across in various places.
This here is an ad from 1980. The publication is unknown.
If you know please let me know ad I will add it.

Here is an ad for the first-ever HST (then called HSST) in the April 1987 Propeller Magazine.

We are always looking for old Hydrostream ads and/or articles so if you have any you would be willing to share please contact us. If you do not have a way to scan the ads or articles we can certainly do that and send them back free of charge. You can contact us for further info by CLICKING HERE
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This here is an ad from 1980. The publication is unknown.
If you know please let me know ad I will add it.

Here is an ad for the first-ever HST (then called HSST) in the April 1987 Propeller Magazine.

We are always looking for old Hydrostream ads and/or articles so if you have any you would be willing to share please contact us. If you do not have a way to scan the ads or articles we can certainly do that and send them back free of charge. You can contact us for further info by CLICKING HERE
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