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Duratec is Great!!!

Posted: Jun 10, 2010 9:45 am
by jacklake2003
I finally got around to spraying the topside of the Viper this week (I did the bottom last year this time). We have a 5 month old daughter, so that slowed me down a bit. I shot it with white gel mixed 50/50 with Duratec using a Harbor Freight 2.0mm tip HVLP gun. Wow, it really works great! I have horrible/no painting technique and it still came out well. The only issues were 1) I sprayed it outside, late afternoon which means lots of bugs, and 2) my water separator wan't working aparently because I kept getting water drops on the boat. That being said, it still came out great. I tried wet sanding a small area yesterday and it is coming out good. It's going to take a little more wet sadning then it should because of again, my poor technique and the fact that the lighting was getting bad as I was shooting it. It really is a great product though. In my opinion, I would recommend using it instead of paint if you're just looking for a single color. I'll post some pics once I complete the wet sanding.
