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6 years and going...

Posted: Mar 30, 2015 12:30 am
by Hippie459MN
Well, I got lazy this year and the days flew right on by but I would just like to say thank you to everyone that keeps coming back and giving me a reason to keep plugging away at this place for everyone and to everyone that has donated in some way shape or form over the years.

As of Mach 25th 2015, is officially 6 years old. The site has certainly changed a lot over the years and its been a lot of work to keep things going but its been worth it and has certainly been a lot of fun. I know I havent been as busy here recently as life as happened and sadly the web site has taken a back seat for a bit (dont worry, I'm still keeping up with everything, just not as much socializing time) and also the boat has been pretty much forgotten about even though I still look at it every day but with everything going on, lack of a place to do any work on it, things that have happened with it, plans never coming together to get it done on other peoples end (Yes, I tried paying 3 people to get the work done and they all flake out on me), and some other things, sadly, the passion for the boat has pretty much gone to the way side and hasnt been touched what so ever in about 2 years now, maybe 3. I still dream about it being done someday but for now, just another thing in my yard that i havent touched in years... We'll see

But dont worry, as of right now, the site is not going to be going anywhere. In fact, a pretty big update is in the works but a lot of stuff is still being figured out so as it stands, its still a ways out yet but dont worry, everyone will know before hand.

Now, with that said, start posting people!!!! Thanks to Facebook things have really slowed down here but lets try to turn that around and get people posting again! :up:

Again, thank you everyone. :boating:

Re: 6 years and going...

Posted: Mar 30, 2015 3:26 am
by RussF
thanks Hippie......................... :up:

Re: 6 years and going...

Posted: Mar 30, 2015 7:28 am
by orangecrush
Thanks and to another 6

Re: 6 years and going...

Posted: Mar 30, 2015 8:23 am
by VultureNo2
Don't give up on it. You'll get there. I know when my kids were younger, there was no way I could have worked on a boat. But the time will com where you will have the time and it will happen. Hopefully, as I did, you will pass the passion for Hydrostream's on to the next generation. Stay positive, and if you want to get together and take out my Vulture, just to give you a fresh push forward, let me know. Thanks for everything the site does. I don't post as much these day, but still follow along with the threads daily. I will have some new news here shortly to help get things rolling again on the site. Also, I do not use facebook.

Re: 6 years and going...

Posted: Apr 20, 2015 1:11 pm
by locoeddy
Great site thanks Hippie....

Re: 6 years and going...

Posted: Apr 20, 2015 1:56 pm
by Hippie459MN
Thanks everyone. :up:

Re: 6 years and going...

Posted: Apr 20, 2015 1:56 pm
by Hippie459MN
Bill, how far are you from Janseville?

Re: 6 years and going...

Posted: Apr 22, 2015 12:03 am
by vking Bear
?,,,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,!