Page 1 of 1 site is down

Posted: Mar 02, 2012 9:45 pm
by alaskastreamin
I sent an email off to Mark Casper lastnight and he replied:

I'm glad you mentioned that the site is down. I had no idea the server is discontinuing. It's tough to find a free one with enough space to hold my website! Guess I'll have to look around and find another. Thanks for telling me!

- Mark


Re: site is down

Posted: Mar 03, 2012 10:54 am
by Hippie459MN
I have emailed him several times also in the past and twice was able to get a reply and he was able to get the site back up for the most part. I have offered him some server space here on the cheap for the year but never really got a reply on that subject. And it would not go down like the free hosting that he is with now has in the past.

I know in the last few weeks just about all the images on .org have been gone/missing but hopefully he can get it back up again. I love that site and use it a ton. :)