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My, new to me, jet boat.

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My, new to me, jet boat.

Post: # 2270Post Hippie459MN »

Well, last Saturday I finally had some spare time to drive down and visit Chet (77viper) and pick up my latest project. A 1976 Cobra Jet jet boat. The hull and everything is in great condition and with a good bath and some wax it will look great. What is exposed of the transom from part of the jet system being removed seems solid and dry. I will definitely do something with this but the Vulture still comes first.

I am thinking this will be the more family friendly boat (Something I just keep telling myself). I already have some good plans for it but it will be a while but you can bet there will be a build thread here and over at S&F when that time comes.


Last time it was registered was in 97 so for all I know it has been sitting ever since then. Heck, even with some elbow grease and a bit of work the interior would clean up really nice. I think someone took good care of this boat at one time considering its age and the shape its in currently inside and out.

Again, Chet, Thank you for the boat and it was an extreme pleasure meeting you. :up: :boating:
Project Vulture | Project Vector | Project Vamp | Project Vixen
The Vulture Wish List | Project CobraJet

1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
1982 Hydrostream Vector
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1976 CobraJet Jet Boat - Outboard conversion project
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Re: My, new to me, jet boat.

Post: # 2272Post frogII »

wow , you're a glutten for punishment
have fun , keep us posted
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Re: My, new to me, jet boat.

Post: # 2273Post Hippie459MN »

It shouldnt be to bad. Just need to find a jet drive to replace the one thats on there and take one of the motors I have sitting in my garage and drop it in. Not looking for anything overly crazy with this so no huge $40k dollar big block or nothing.

But like I said, the Vulture had major priority right now. And a few other projects that have yet to be finished. So many projects, so little time and money. :(
Project Vulture | Project Vector | Project Vamp | Project Vixen
The Vulture Wish List | Project CobraJet

1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
1982 Hydrostream Vector
1982 Hydrostream Vamp
1973 Hydrostream Vixen
1976 CobraJet Jet Boat - Outboard conversion project
1976 Pontoon - aka The Family Truckster
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Re: My, new to me, jet boat.

Post: # 2276Post ccrick »

blown alky may be? :mrgreen: Which ones going to get done first? Cool project though. :up:
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Re: My, new to me, jet boat.

Post: # 2277Post 77viper »

ccrick wrote:blown alky may be?
That would be cool!!!

It was nice to meet you too Kevin, we will have to get together this summer. I'm glad to see it go someware welcome.

I was amazed how nice the gell is after uncovering it. I bet it was there 6 years. The parts guy kind of remembers the guy dropping it off.
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Re: My, new to me, jet boat.

Post: # 3683Post Hippie459MN »

So, as the snow slowly melts here I can't stop staring at this thing. Although what I can see of the transom it looks solid and dry but after pricing some full jet drive systems I starting to wonder if it would be cheaper to convert to outboard or maybe a direct drive system. Some reason I really want to put this on the water and always wanted a jet boat but man are jet parts spendy.

What to do... next year maybe it will be in the lake but not until the stream is done. :D

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Re: My, new to me, jet boat.

Post: # 3684Post 77viper »

The outboard would be the cheapest way to go, and what I thought about if I didn't have a shop full of projects. Whatever you do you need to loose the sun deck-engine cover.
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Re: My, new to me, jet boat.

Post: # 3685Post Hippie459MN »

Yeah, I am really leaning towards the OB idea. I have priced complete jet pumps and for less money I could replace the transom and bolt a 140 looper or something on it and have a wad of cash left over. Now that was just for the jet pump and and everything, not the motor I would need and im not putting my S-10 motor in it just to save a few bucks. LoL

And yes, That sundeck/motor cover thing will be the first to go. :mrgreen:

Priorities first though... :vking: :up:
Project Vulture | Project Vector | Project Vamp | Project Vixen
The Vulture Wish List | Project CobraJet

1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
1982 Hydrostream Vector
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Re: My, new to me, jet boat.

Post: # 3756Post frogII »

Here ya go HIP
rebuilt pump with xtra parts to boot

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Re: My, new to me, jet boat.

Post: # 3760Post Hippie459MN »

Boy, If I had some extra $$ right now I would just get the whole boat and put a motor in that thing. :)
Project Vulture | Project Vector | Project Vamp | Project Vixen
The Vulture Wish List | Project CobraJet

1977 HydroStream Vulture - Worlds longest ongoing project. :eek:
1982 Hydrostream Vector
1982 Hydrostream Vamp
1973 Hydrostream Vixen
1976 CobraJet Jet Boat - Outboard conversion project
1976 Pontoon - aka The Family Truckster
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