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Hydrostream Windshields

As we all know the Hydrostream Windshields are a very sought after item and until recently were not available from anyone.

Below are some sources for some now available aftermarket windshields in both acrylic and fiberglass.

Below is the one available from UPD Plastics out of Florida made of marine grade acrylic.
Link: https://www.updplastics.com/hydrostream-boat-windshields/

Address and phone:
UPD Plastics
2255 SW 70th Ave
Building 2, Bay 8
Davie, FL 33317
Phone: 954-476-1194 Quotes & Orders Online Only


Photos courtesy of David Wilfong

Below is the one available from All Fiberglass Repair (AFR) out of Florida made of high grade fiberglass.
Link: https://allfiberglassrepairs.com/
Link: https://www.facebook.com/All-Fiberglass-Repairs-181826068527632/

Address and phone:
All Fiberglass Repair
(AFR is no longer officially in business due to owners passing. Contact Justin below as he is doing them in place of AFR now.)
1726 Steadly Ave.
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Business Phone: 941-235-2243
Shop phone: 941-575-8914

Alternative Contact:
Justin Spurlock

People are reporting issues with contacting Justin so buyer beware until further notice!


Photos courtesy of Scott Steffe (RIP)

NOTE: The windshield for the Viper, Vector, VKing, AE-21, and Vulture are all the same.

There are other sources also and will be listed as soon as we can get photos of their products.

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