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We are a community of boat lovers and Hydrostream enthusiasts here; we are happy to help anyone
who may need advice or guidance for their 'Stream; and we encourage members to offer their advice
and guidance to others as well. Thank you for visiting our forums, and please register.
We're better than Facebook.
Registering only takes a few minutes and you can do so by CLICKING HERE
If you are a member, don't forget to log in to take full advantage of the forum.
If you're not registered, please consider doing so. It's easy - just click the "Register" link at the top
right corner of the page. Our forum needs members like you to contribute to the site in order to survive.
We are a community of boat lovers and Hydrostream enthusiasts here; we are happy to help anyone
who may need advice or guidance for their 'Stream; and we encourage members to offer their advice
and guidance to others as well. Thank you for visiting our forums, and please register.
We're better than Facebook.
Registering only takes a few minutes and you can do so by CLICKING HERE
If you are a member, don't forget to log in to take full advantage of the forum.
Hydrostreamforums.com Knowledge Base

The History of Hydrostream | Hydrostream Models
The Core... What is it, and where is it at?
Hydrostream Ads/Articles | Hydrostream Catalogs and Brochures
Sources for Hydrostream Windshields
Decoding your Hydrostreams HIN (Hull Identification Number)
Hydrostream Vulture Vacuum Tabs Installation Info
Decoding your Evinrude/OMC outboard model number. 1980-Present
Prop Slip Calculator
Hydrostream Forums Technical Support
How to change your avatar | How to post videos
How to upload/post images easily | How to resize images the easy way
How to post your boat/hull in the classifieds section
How to add a HydrostreamForums shortcut/icon to your mobile device home screen.
About HydrostreamForums.com | The HydrostreamForums.com Shop
HydrostreamForums on Facebook | HydrostreamForums Facebook Group | HydrostreamForums on Twitter
NOTE: Some links are linked to external sites and may open in a new window.
If you have any information pertaining to Hydrostream and you don't mind sharing it
or seeing it here, please email us at hydrostreamforums@gmail.com
More to come...